About Rencell Solar
Rencell solar is aimed at advancing the adoption of renewable energy in the residential sector and has funded the first hybrid solar and battery system in the sectional title market.
Our objective is to bridge the gap in the renewable energy offering to the residential market and through this has a unique market offering to investors and consumers.
Refined and Perfected
It is common practice for municipalities to apply large mark ups on electricity sold to residential Consumers making the potential savings to the residential Consumers comparatively far greater than those of commercial or industrial users.
Through several years of investigation and real-world testing, Regen Solar Solutions has formulated, refined and perfected a working model that enables residential Consumers to benefit from the savings of installing Solar Systems.
Through the association between Regen Solar Solutions and Rencell, first of its kind shorter term PPA’s targeted exclusively to residential Consumers has been made possible.
The service being offered by Regen Solar Solutions (“Regen”) is a holistic service that combines the cost saving benefits offered by the adoption of large-scale solar systems in the residential environment with the lifestyle benefits of integrated batteries that provide energy security during periods of loadshedding or general power failures. RSS has developed a unique model that allows this technology to be adopted at no cost to the consumer while offering all the same benefits of energy security, cheaper solar electricity and reduced carbon footprint.
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17 february 2021 9am
Find out why investing in RenCell is the best way to maximise your 12J tax-savings
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